Wednesday, August 27, 2008

SKETCHED - graphic tablet with LED projector

The main focus behind designing this product was to incorporate new technology into the already existing notion of graphic tablets and adapting it to the target market. In designing for this project, it was quite enjoyable and eye-opening to research and read upon so many new forms of technology emerging right before us especially with that of touch screen and lcd display, along with the development of LED projection.

The shape and form was intended to remain simple - to not encourage a bold statement, allowing the product to merge into an a generation-y's everyday lifestyle. Other than its simple shape, integrating touchscreen into the product prevents having to introduce a new method for the end user to learn. The touchscreen adopts multi-point sensor technology which enhances and quickens the reaction and speed for which the drawings and sketches can be produced on the portable graphic tablet LCD

Another major concern of design was the functioning of the LED projector which was evolved dramatically since the old gear-generated projectors, becoming much smaller in size and simpler in components and functionality.

However, in designing this product, with so many co
nsiderations to take into tho, especially those in concern with technology, it became a much more difficult product to completely resolve. In order to complete the entre product, materials and its manufacturing had to be highly considered. Not only because of time, but as of the knowledge and information available, there were many limits to what I could have included. Using aluminium as the main casing material was fairly logical and straight forward because of its highly advantageous properties - stiffness, durability, rigidity, sheet thickness availability, and lastly, its texture and capability of finishes.

Nonetheless, the product had much more room to evolve to become m
uch more feasible in its market and to its targetted consumers.

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