Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Info

I realised zinc is such a difficult material to design with. Maybe it is because of previous influence of the capabilities of the metal - always being an additive to others to protect and serve, rather taking the lead.

Another disadvantage is that there haven't been any developments in producing nor manufacturing with zinc.

Useful site - ZincWorld

Interesting fact one - zinc is a mediocre heat conductor. Would be a disadvantage to it being a light shade.

The design should obviously be something notable and highly noticable - simply to enhance and makeup for the lack of attention the material has received in its lifetime. Although considered being rich man's silver in the old ages, it was never a major contributor to anyone's household.

Interesting fact two - brass is not toxic?
Since zinc alloys aren't toxic, even when zinc is a major component such as in zinc-silver, is it possible to design for zinc as an alloyed matter?

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